Voting and requirements

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Voting requirements

In order to receive vote rewards your character, must have a certain amount of Quests completed:

Low Rate: 1-49х
Medium Rate: 50-999х
High Rate: 1000-9999х

This means, if you have created a new character you need to complete at least 5 quests to receive your first vote reward, 10 quests for second, 15 for third and so on. If you don't have a required amount of quests completed you won't receive any vote rewards.

If you are voting faster than you handle quests, you can create a new character, pass 5 quests and vote for him.

On one account \ IP address you can receive bonuses for voting not more than 1 time per day.

SMS vote is not counted in new system and not has limits.

If you have 30 or more votes, to vote successfully, you need to have 3 or more achievement points.

The main principle is: Vote 1 time per day for only one main character. reward takes about two hours to process.

Mmotop - if bonuses have not arrived

Due to the fact that mmotop disabled the ability to vote multiple times for the server, many voters had problems with crediting bonuses, all this is due to the fact that mmotop blocks the vote if someone voted for the server more than once a day, regardless of servers or games.

Below I will give an example of how to determine whether your vote is counted or not: Click on your account in the upper right corner of the mmotope and select votes, after which a log of your votes will open. If you see your vote in the table, it means it was successfully counted and transferred to us for crediting bonuses. The list of votes is updated once every 2 hours.

What to do:

  • If you voted and after two hours mmotope time the vote was successfully recorded in the LOG, but after 15 minutes it did not appear in your personal account on Bless, then open ticket in our Support system.
  • If you voted once and after two hours by mmotope time the vote was not recorded in the mmotope LOG, then write about your problem to the mmotope administration.

How to contact mmotop: In your personal account on the mmotop website, select the “Messages” menu, click “Add” and select the topic that interests you.

Also, do not forget to indicate when voting the exact name of your character and the server on which you play.


  • We check the correct spelling of your nickname, or write the nicknames of your characters that you still have on your account.
  • We check whether you are voting for the server where your character is located.
  • You need to vote once a day; if you vote for other projects, then the vote is counted where you voted first.

Source 1