Ruling Valley of Loren and Land of Trials

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Ruling Valley of Loren and Land of Trials

Every week the main event of the game process, Castle Siege, is being played on our servers. The winning guild is then awarded with many benefits - they get control of a very special location - Land of Trials, and earn the rights to 1% of Bonuses and Zen spent on the web market.

Also the Castle Lord can earn 3% of of all Zen operations that are done in-game - sales in NPC shops, chaos machine, usage of /post and all actions performed at the Divine Statue.

A very special NPC Senior is located in the throne room in the Valley of Loren. With this NPC's help, the castle lord can regulate the tax, fix and update castle structures, and once every 24 hours he can use Lord Mix - used to craft the best Excellent items in game.