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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)====Phoenix of Darkness====
'''Location:''' Icarus</br>
'''Respawn Time:''' 3 min </br>
Drop: Weapons of Archangel +Luck+Skill
 h Russian (ru)====Phoenix of Darkness====
'''Локация:''' Icarus</br>
'''Время возрождения:''' 3 минуты </br>
Drop: Weapons of Archangel +Luck+Skill
 h Vietnamese (vi)====Box of Kundun +4====
* Vũ khí: Staff of Ressurection, Double Blade, Dark Breaker, Celestial Bow, Saint Crossbow, Thunder Blade, Master Scepter, Elemental Wand
* Khiên: Serpent
* Áo giáp:: Legendary, Dragon, Guardian, Storm Crow, Adamantine
* Đặc biệt: Box of Kundun +5