Техническая поддержка

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Revision as of 22:44, 16 September 2024 by Drakonis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You must have a registered account to create your requests.")
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In your personal cabinet on the site you will find the Support Services section.

The support section is the main priority section for solving individual problems. For example, reports on cheaters should now be left only in the support service.
Be sure to attach a video to your report.
Without video the chances of punishment is extremely low! We check all your reports anyway, but having video evidence helps a lot.

You must have a registered account to create your requests.

Еще вы сможете найти начальную информацию в помощь для новичков в каждом разделе тех. поддержки


Далее Раздел оплаты и т.д.

Большая просьба: не дублировать темы на форуме и в тикетах одновременно.

Время работы Службы поддержки: Понедельник - Пятница: ~ 12:00 - 22:00 (время может меняться) Суббота и Воскресенье: выходные дни