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Character Classes

  • Dark Knight.
  • Dark Wizard.
  • Fairy Elf.
  • Magic Gladiator.
  • Dark Lord.

Dark Knight

Knight and melee fighter. Can wear two one-hand swords, or one sword with shield. All characteristics are very important for knights. The most hard class in grinding, but with good equipment and stats, can be one of the strongest character in PvP.

Main information

Creation: instantly

  • Stats per level: 5

Stats after creation:

  • Strength: 28
  • Agility: 20
  • Vitality: 25
  • Energy: 10

Characteristics meaning:

  • Strength: Respond for damage. The main stat for knight.
  • Agility: Respond for defense and attack speed. 15 Agility = +1 speed
  • Vitality: Respond for HP amount . 1 Vitality = 3 HP
  • Energy: Respond for increase mana, AG and skill power


Dark Knight -> Blade Knight -> Blade Master More about profession change you can read here

Formulas for Dark Knight

  • COMBO: STR * 1.3 + MaxHP / 55
  • DEFENSE: AGI / 4
  • MIN: STR / 8
  • MAX: STR / 5
  • SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 10
  • GREATER FORTITUDE % : VIT / 150 + ENE / 300


  • Axes
  • Swords
  • Spears


  • Satan Wings
  • Wings of Dragon
  • Wings of Storm
  • Conqueror Wings
  • Wings of Flame God


  • Leather
  • Bronze
  • Scale
  • Brass
  • Plate
  • Red Dragon
  • Black Dragon
  • Dark Phoenix
  • Great Dragon
  • Dark knight
  • Titan
  • Brave
  • Stormwing

Main skills

  • Shield Defense
  • Twisting Slash
  • Cyclone
  • Rageful Blow
  • Greater Fortitude
  • Strike of Destruction

Dark Wizard

Mage and range fighter. Can equip staff and shield. Main characteristic - Energy. The most simplest character for grinding, because of mass skills. With good equipment and class understanding, can be very competitive character. Have defense skill Mana Shield for all party, which can absorb damage.

Main information

Creation: instantly

  • Stats per level: 5

Stats after creation:

  • Strength: 18
  • Agility: 18
  • Vitality: 15
  • Energy: 30

Characteristics meaning:

  • Strength: Strength needs only for wearing items. Very slightly increases damage.
  • Agility: Respond for defense and attack speed. 10 Agility = +1 speed
  • Vitality: Respond for HP amount 1 Vitality = 2 HP
  • Energy: Respond for increase Mana, AG and wizardry damage


Dark Wizard -> Soul Master -> Grand Master More about profession change you can read here

Formulas for Dark Wizard

  • COMBO: ENE + MaxMana / 2
  • DEFENSE: AGI / 4
  • MIN: STR / 24 + ENE / 9 + MANA / 70
  • MAX: STR / 12 + ENE / 4 + MANA / 60
  • SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 10
  • MANA SHIELD ABSORB % : ENE / 4000 + MANA / 2500
  • TELEPORT: Increase Defense Rate for 8 times in while teleport using.
  • NOVA:

DMG 1 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 1 DMG 2 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 4 DMG 4 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 8 DMG 6 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 20


  • Staffs


  • Angel Wings
  • Wings of Soul
  • Wings of Space time
  • Devil & Angel Wings
  • Wings of Elysiun


  • Pad
  • Bone
  • Sphinx
  • Legendary
  • Eclipse
  • Grand Soul
  • Dark Soul
  • Venom Mist
  • Hades
  • Dark Devil

Main skills

  • Teleport
  • Mana shield
  • Decay
  • Ice Storm
  • Lighting
  • Evil Spirit
  • Aqua Beam
  • Expansion of wizardry

Fairy Elf

There are 2 different, Agility and Energy elf:
Agility Elf - Range and melee fighter. Wearing bow or crossbow. Main characteristic - Agility. Pretty easy for grinding. With good equipment can be good in surviving, but don't have any big hopes to dominate with this class in PvP. Although, is he most powerful character at the start of the game.
Energy Elf - Support class, which can make stronger other characters. Main characteristic - Energy. For Energy elf grinding you must have Party. But don't worry, almost every party needs Energy elf. Very important class in every PvP events.

Main information

Creation: instantly

  • Stats per level: 5

Stats after creation:

  • Strength: 22
  • Agility: 25
  • Vitality: 20
  • Energy: 15

Characteristics meaning:

  • Strength: Respond for damage, but less preferred compared to Agility
  • Agility: Respond for defense, damage and attack speed. 50 Agility = +1 speed
  • Vitality: Respond for HP amount, and partially for defense. 1 Vitality = 2 HP
  • Energy: Respond for gain all buff skills (Heal, Def, Dmg, Combo)


Fairy Elf -> Muse Elf -> High Elf More about profession change you can read here

Formulas for Fairy Elf

  • COMBO: STR / 3 + AGI / 2 + ENE / 3 + DefenseSuccessRate * 3
  • DEFENSE: AGI / 7 + VIT / 11
  • MIN: (STR + AGI) / 4 + VIT / 15 + ENE / 6
  • MAX: (STR + AGI) / 2 + VIT / 8 + ENE / 3
  • HEAL: ENE / 15 + MANA / 9
  • DEF: ENE / 24 + MANA / 18
  • DMG: ENE / 21 + MANA / 15


  • Bows
  • Crossbows
  • elf-maces
  • low level swords


  • Fairy Wings
  • Wings of Spirit
  • Wings of Illusion
  • Devil & Angel Wings
  • Wings of Celestial Body


  • Vine
  • Silk
  • Wind
  • Spirit
  • Guardian
  • Iris
  • Divine
  • Red Spirit
  • Sylphid Ray
  • Faith
  • Seraphim
  • Rune Light

Main skills

  • Multi-shot
  • Ice arrow
  • Triple-shot
  • Elf buffs

Magic Gladiator

Magic Gladiator, which you can evolve as Battle MG or Energy MG.
Battle MG - Battle MG - MG which is using physical damage, melee and mid-range fighter. Can wear two one-hand swords, or one sword with shield. Main characteristic is Strength. Pretty easy for grinding. Have special debuff, which reduce 30% of enemies defense. Have very high damage, but low defense. Due to this, in PvP he is able kill everyone, but also die from everyone.
Energy MG - MG which is using range wizardry damage. Wearing swords, staffs and shield. Main characteristic - Energy. The most easy class for grinding, because of massive AOE Evil Spirit skill and 7 stats per level. Energy MG is very good for grinding, but not so good in PvP.

Main information

Creation: After you reach 150 level by other character on account

  • Stats per level: 7

Stats after creation:

  • Strength: 26
  • Agility: 26
  • Vitality: 26
  • Energy: 26

Characteristics meaning:

  • Strength: Respond for physical damage. Main characteristic for Battle MG.
  • Agility: Respond for defense and attack speed. 15 Agility = +1 speed
  • Vitality: Respond for HP amount, and partially for defense and damage. 1 Vitality = 2 HP
  • Energy: Respond for skills gain (for Energy MG only)


Magic Gladiator -> Duel Master More about profession change you can read here

Formulas for Magic Gladiator

  • COMBO: STR + ENE + MaxMana / 4 + MaxHP / 50
  • DEFENSE: AGI / 4 + VIT / 14
  • DAMAGE Battle MG:
  • MIN: STR / 6 + VIT / 14 + ENE / 12
  • MAX: STR / 4 + VIT / 7 + ENE / 6
  • DAMAGE Energy MG:
  • MIN: STR / 24 + ENE / 9 + MANA / 70
  • MAX: STR / 12 + ENE / 4 + MANA / 60
  • FIRST STRIKE MGif you're not attacking anyone in 10 seconds, your next first hit will be with increased damage
  • MIN: 125% (first hit can't be lower then 125% of damage)
  • MAX: 700% (is the maximum increased damage)
  • MULTIPLIER %: STR / 175 + ENE / 75
  • MG 32K ALL FORMULAS: additional formulas, which switched on only when all stats is 32767


  • Axes
  • Swords
  • Spears
  • Staffs


  • Satan Wings
  • Angel Wings
  • Wings of Darkness
  • Wings of Hurricane
  • Conqueror Wings
  • Devil & Angel Wings
  • Wings of Annihilation


  • Leather
  • Pad
  • Bronze
  • Bone
  • Scale
  • Sphinx
  • Brass
  • Plate
  • Red Dragon
  • Legendary
  • Storm Crow
  • Valiant
  • Thunder
  • Hurricane
  • Volcano
  • Phantom
  • Magic Knight

Main skills

Battle MG

  • Power Slash
  • Fire Slash
  • Flame Strike
  • Spiral Slash

Energy MG

  • Lighting
  • Poison
  • Evil Spirit
  • Gigantic Storm

Dark Lord

Dark Lord, melee and mid-range fighter. Wearing scepter and shield. For this class hard to say, which characteristic are main, because all of them are important. Pretty pleasant character for grinding, because of Dark raven and Dark horse help. Have unique skill, that can summon all party and strong buff, which increase damage. With good equipment can be one of the strongest PvP characters.

Main information

Creation: After one of your account character reach 220 level

  • Stats per level: 7

Stats after creation:

  • Strength: 26
  • Agility: 20
  • Vitality: 20
  • Energy: 15
  • Command: 25

Characteristics meaning:

  • Strength: Respond for damage.
  • Agility: Respond for defense and attack speed. 15 Agility = +1 speed
  • Vitality: Respond for HP amount. 1 Vitality = 2 HP
  • Energy: Respond for damage increase, but less then strength.
  • Command: Respond for increase damage of Raven, Horse and "Increase critical damage" buff.


Dark Lord -> Lord Emperor More about profession change you can read here

Formulas for Dark Lord

  • COMBO: STR + ENE/2 + COM / 2 + AG / 2
  • DEFENSE: AGI / 5
  • STR / 17 + ENE / 35
  • STR / 8 + ENE / 27
  • SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 10
  • ELECTRIC SPIKE DL: Additional damage, equals to 4% of HP and 16% of party members mana, which are near to you.


  • Maces


  • Cape of Lord
  • Mantle of Monarch
  • Conqueror Wings
  • Cloak of dominator


  • Leather
  • Bronze
  • Scale
  • Light plate
  • Admantine
  • Dark Steel
  • Glorious
  • Dark Master
  • Sunlight
  • Paewang
  • Ambition

Main skills

  • Fire Burst
  • Earth-shake
  • Summon
  • Increase critical damage
  • Fire Scream