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Wings of Conqueror creation

Wings of Conqueror are giving bonus to physical attacks and are intended for – BK, DL, ELF and Battle-MG characters. Wings of Devil & Angel are giving bonus to magical attacks and are intended for – SM and Wizardy-MG characters.

To equip these wings you will need to have a 3rd profession, and a 300 level, regardless of the item level of the wings. By the way, MG is the only character that can wear both types of wings.

You will need

Any level 3 wings+9 +add (Jewel of Life option)

  • 4x Feather of Condor
  • 4x Flame of Condor
  • 1x 30 Soul bundle
  • 1x 30 Bless bundle
  • 1 Jewel of Chaos
  • 1.5kkk Zen

Success Rate combination 90%
You will get Wings of Devil & Angel or Wings of Conqueror with random options.
