Translations:Controls and settings/4/vi

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Button Effect Description
F1 Help Example
F2 General chat Example
F3 Private chat Example
F4 Change chat size window Example
F5 Toggle On/Off game chat frame Example
Enter Open chat box Example
Q Use Healing potion Example
W Use Mana potion Example
E Use Antidote Example
R Use your additional potion Example
T Your quest list Example
U Fast menu Example
I or V Inventory Example
O Options in game Example
P Party interface Example
D Automatic commands Example
F MyFriend function Example
G Guild Example
C Hero stats Example
M or /Move Move between locations Example
Left mouse button Movement, attack, lean on or sit down Example
Right mouse button Skill using Example
Ctrl + mouse button Attack other player (PK) Example
Ctrl + digit Assign skill 0 to 9 Example
Digit 0-9 Choose a skill Example
Alt Show name of drop Example
Alt + Left mouse button Show name of item and pick it up from the ground Example
Space Automatically pick up item from the ground Example
Print Screen Make screenshot Example
/itemname View information about an item, F1 - close window Example