Translations:Guild Debuff/3/en

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The new system:

  • In case the guild that owns the castle successfully defends the castle, the attackers on the next siege get a buff 8% Damage, +4% Absorb, +200 True Damage, +3000 HP. If the last statue was destroyed during the siege, the power of the buff will double. This buff increases with each siege when the defenders are successful. The buff ir reset to 0, if the castle changes owners.
  • If the amount of members of the guild that owns the castle is higher then set certain (20/25), then their buff is decreased judged by how much people they exceed the limit.

For regular guild masters:

  • 31 and more: -30% buff
  • 26 and more: -20% buff
  • 21 and more: -10% buff

For Dark Lords:

  • 36 and more: -20% buff
  • 31 and more: -15% buff
  • 26 and more: -10% buff