Flame of Condor
Создание Flame of Condor
Flame of Condor может выпасть с:
- С победы в Chaos Castle
- Guild Tribute
- Lottery
- Куплен за Endless Tower поинты
Flame of Condor также можно скрафтить из 30 Shards of Condor в Chaos Machine Regular combination. Вам понадобится:
- 30 Shard of Condor (in bundle)
- 1 Jewel of Chaos
- 30 Jewel of Soul
- 30 Jewel of Life
- 30 Jewel of Creation
- 30 Jewel of Goldsmith
Success Rate combination 100%
Shards of Condor can be obtained by:
- Defeating special Shard Monsters & Bosses
- Through Quests
- Random Quests
- Guild Quests
- Chaos Castle victory
- Bought for Endless Tower points