Chaos Castle
Chaos Castle
Chaos Castle is the place where MU Bless Online warriors battle for prestige and prizes, but only one will emerge victorious.
How to gain entry to Chaos Castle:
To enter the event, you must purchase the Armor of Guardsman. You can buy it in Arkania (217.58).
To enter, right-click the Armor of Guardsman, or click on the event announcement icon.
- Players are distributed across floors based on the strength of their character, not their level: stats, equipment, and wings are taken into account (you cannot change these items while inside).
- The stronger your character, the higher the floor you will be assigned to.
- The higher the floor, the better the chances of receiving valuable rewards and the Flame of Condor.
- If many players are gathered on one floor, and adjacent floors are empty, weaker players will be moved to the floor below, while stronger players will be moved to the floor above.
- If you win on floors 1 through 5, you will be moved to the next floor in your next Chaos Castle entry. This continues until you reach the final floor. If you win twice on floor 6, you will not be able to enter Chaos Castle again until after 24:00.
- Now, all items equipped on the character are taken into account, just like in the equipment rating on the website. The strategy of unequipping your character before the event no longer works. Now, your character's best equipment, the one you've ever worn, will be remembered – this is your maximum equipment level, which will be considered when entering the event.
- Due to numerous player requests, a new Chaos Castle mode has been added, where the distribution of players by floors is completely random, not based on character strength. Each time CC starts, there is a 25% chance that this mode will be enabled. In random mode, there is no limit on the number of wins per day, and the quality of the rewards is between the levels of floors 3 and 4 in CC.
Chaos Castle rating points have been updated – now you will earn between 10 and 20 points for a victory, depending on the floor.
All achievements, quests, and guild tasks can now be completed on any floor of Chaos Castle. Winning will now award 11 to 16 points for website rankings, depending on the floor you win.
The rules and conditions for winning:
- Including other characters, there will be a total of 100 enemies in the arena.
- Mountable pets, such as Horn of Uniria, Dinorant, and Fenrir, are not active during the event.
- You cannot create a party during this event.
- Characters cannot cast buffs on other players.
- The event lasts for 10 minutes. If two or more players are still alive when time runs out, the winner will be determined by points.
- The edges of the map will collapse after a certain number of monsters are killed.
- Each time a monster dies, there is a chance it will explode and move you in any direction. The explosion may push you outside the map's boundaries, in which case the event will end for you.
- If your character is killed in Chaos Castle, they will be warped back to Arkania.
You have 10 minutes to complete the quest. As the number of players decreases, the edges of the castle roof will collapse:
- Collapse 1 (Remaining participants: 40)
- Collapse 2 (Remaining participants: 30)
- Collapse 3 (Remaining participants: 20)
You may die:
- From an opponent's attack.
- From falling off the edge of the roof.
- From falling into a trap (traps deal the same damage and kill the character instantly, regardless of their level or defense).
The quest will be completed when:
- Only one player remains.
- If, after all the monsters are killed, two players are still alive and time runs out, the best player will be chosen based on points.
Possible rewards are listed on our website. The reward is directly generated into the player's inventory. On VIP and subservers, where only Violet Boxes are given as rewards, there is no limit on the number of wins per day. Event time:
The entrance to CC opens 5 minutes before the quest begins. CC starts at: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00.