Controls and settings

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Controls and communication


List of main buttons:

Button Effect Description
F1 Help Example
F2 General chat Example
F3 Private chat Example
F4 Change chat size window Example
F5 Toggle On/Off game chat frame Example
Enter Open chat box Example
Q Use Healing potion Example
W Use Mana potion Example
E Use Antidote Example
R Use your additional potion Example
T Your quest list Example
U Fast menu Example
I or V Inventory Example
O Options in game Example
P Party interface Example
D Automatic commands Example
F MyFriend function Example
G Guild Example
C Hero stats Example
M or /Move Move between locations Example
Left mouse button Movement, attack, lean on or sit down Example
Right mouse button Skill using Example
Ctrl + mouse button Attack other player (PK) Example
Ctrl + digit Assign skill 0 to 9 Example
Digit 0-9 Choose a skill Example
Alt Show name of drop Example
Alt + Left mouse button Show name of item and pick it up from the ground Example
Space Automatically pick up item from the ground Example
Print Screen Make screenshot Example
/itemname View information about an item, F1 - close window Example

Game Client Settings

Our game client has lots of new and useful settings, that allow users to customize and control your game client to fit your needs. You can access client settings through Launcher:

In order for the changes to take effect your game client must be closed.

Account: remembers your account
Screen Resolution: game window resolution, including widescreen and Full HD
3D Camera: whether the 3D camera is turned on when entering the game
Window Mode: whether the game is launched in window or full screen (window mode is strongly recommended)
View Range by Default: draw distance when entering the game (affects performance, not recommended for slow PCs)
Color Depth: "32" recommended
Reset camera: button that will switch 3D camera to the default position
Antialiasing: improves image quality, may affect performance
Fog: covers long distance objects with fog
Glow: additional glowing effects - eye candy
Music: controls in-game music ("off" recommended)
Sound Effects: controls all in-game sounds ("on" recommended)
Enable Autoclicker: Built-in clicker controls ("on" recommended) more info here

  • Show level up time - Shows character level up
  • Show killed tip - Pops-up if you were killed
  • Show attacked tip - Pops-up if you are attacked
  • Show finished quest tip - Pops-up if in-game quest is completed
  • Show 400 lvl tip - Pops-up if you reach 400 level

Additional in-game Settings (press "O" button):

Show Monster Health Bars: shows health bars and monster names
Show System Messages: shows system messages (exp, loot, etc.)
Show Buff Icons: shows buff icons (Set Bonus, Power Buff, etc.)
Draw Distance: affects your view range: Default, Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Ultra (very demanding on computer resources)
Speed Bug Fix: allows to use spells with any amount of attack speed (no applicable for elfs)
Higher FPS: increases FPS, game runs smoother (recommended)

3D Camera controls:
Turn 3D Camera On/Off - "Home"
Restore default Camera position - "End"
View angels and range controlled by mouse and wheel

Global Chat:
/post - sends a global message that will be seen by all players online (costs Zen)

Stat Point allocation: /addstr - adds free stat points to Strength (e.g. /addstr 123)
/addagi - adds free stat points to Agility (e.g. /addagi 123)
/addvit - adds free stat points to Vitality (e.g. /addvit 123)
/addene - adds free stat points to Energy (e.g. /addene 123)
/addcom - adds free stat points to Command (e.g. /addcom123)

Maximum amount of points added at a time is limited by 32767.
Adding stats commands are unavailable in Blood Castle and Chaos Castle

Other commands:
/stuck - fixes Blood Castle Gates if it glitches
/jointdm - adds you to the Team Deathmatch Event participants lists